is an online programming game where your code competes against others.
Many programming games require you to create code in their propriety GUI, or upload code in their language of choice. We wanted to open up this amazing genre to as many language platforms and tools as possible.
By utilizing common standards, players can code their agent in most languages. As long as libraries and utilities that can make HTTPS requests (https://), send and receive over Secure WebSockets (wss://) and can parse JSON, you can use that language.
See our Example Code for what’s possible.
Our platform is designed to give fresh and unique game designs and strategic opportunities every league. No two leagues will be the same. Each league will feature a new game or a variation on an existing game.
We’ll continue to use same universal standards every game so that any language can still play, but the rules, ranking system will change.
The aim is to have 4 leagues a year. Games and leaderboards from past leagues will be frozen and memorialized forever.
Although this is primarily a platform for coding competitions, we want to also nurture many different types of experiences. You can use this platform to: